Support No Agenda
Unlike any other broadcasts, No Agenda has decided to be a solely listener supported production. This means the listeners contribute to the show both financially and through volunteerism, something we call the value for value model.
If you feel you are getting value from this show, please help us by providing your
time, talent, or treasure.
We count on you, to make this work.
You can donate to the No Agenda Show via Paypal, Check, or Stripe
You can mail a check to:
No Agenda Show/J. Dvorak, Box 339,
El Cerrito, CA 94530.
Make checks Payable to No Agenda show.
For bank transfers please email Office@noagendashow.net
and we'll send you the info.
Executive Producer Policy
All donations over $333 become an Executive Producer.
Anyone contributing $200 or more automatically gets the Associate Executive Producer title.
This is listed on the show notes as Executive Producer and Associate Executive Producer
and is a genuine credit that we will vouch for.
Executive producers are generally responsible for the financing of a project and this is a legitimate and real credit for your bio.
These credits look great on your email sig line too!
One-Time Credited Paypal Donation
To make a ONE-TIME contribution of any amount.
Donors contributing $50 and above will get a special mention on the show. Donors of $200 or more will automatically become executive or associate executive producers.
Donations $49.99 or less will automatically remain anonymous.
Also any amount will remain anonymous upon request.
Paypal Insta-Knighthoods
Producers and listeners who donate $1000 in any way are granted an exclusive title as Knight of the No Agenda Roundtable. Become an Insta-Knight of the No Agenda roundtable.
Men are given the moniker "Sir" and women are granted the title of "Dame."
Paypal Knight Layaway Plan
Our original 20 month program whereby you can obtain your
Knighthood with a monthly $50 donation for 20 months.